
Letter: Stats on border arrests were inaccurate

(Gregory Bull | AP file photo) Construction crews replace a section of the primary wall separating San Diego, above right, and Tijuana, Mexico, below left, seen from Tijuana, Mexico, on March 11, 2019.

According to Public Forum letter by Susan Rounds titled “About the wall,” quoting Robert Perez, Customs and Border Protection deputy commissioner, 30% of the people who are apprehended at our southern border by Border Patrol agents are members of drug cartels, human traffickers, gang members and other criminals.

Those statistics are somewhat off.

According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, through the end of August, border apprehensions total 738,143 (including family units and single adults), while there have been 4,010 arrests of any and all types of illegal activity among this group. This works out to be approximately 0.5%.

Jill Mower, Magna

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