
Letter: Actually, Sen. Romney, there is significant agreement on gun reform

(Francisco Kjolseth | Tribune file photo) Sen. Mitt Romney speaks with the editorial board of the Salt Lake Tribune on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2019.

When speaking about gun reform, The Tribune recently quoted Sen. Mitt Romney as saying, “[t]he reality is, getting something through Washington will be almost impossible, if not impossible because the nation is so divided on this issue.”

Because the Senator rarely calls out the current president, it’s clear that he believes lying to the American people is acceptable.

It appears as if the senator is using Trump’s playbook. Unfortunately for the newly-elected senator, Utahns are not so easily played as are those that blindly follow the president regardless of facts.

A Quinnipiac poll conducted this past May (prior to the El Paso and Dayton shootings), showed that 94% of Americans want universal background checks and 65% are in favor of banning assault weapons (including a majority of Republicans). Contrary to the senator’s comments, the nation is certainly not divided on this issue and is about as united as America can be on any issue!

Republican representatives are clearly acting on behalf of the gun lobby rather than their constituents. This is not a simple “47%” controversy — this time, lives are at stake! All government officials need to protect the populace. Our politicians pledged to represent us, not solely those who contribute to their campaigns, like the gun lobby.

William Richter, Millcreek

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