
Letter: Trump does not handle criticism well

(Alex Brandon | AP file photo) President Donald Trump speaks in Washington on July 10, 2019.

Donald Trump’s ad hominem diatribes against perceived enemies has reached a new low in his castigating Elijah Cummings, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight.

Over the weekend, the president issued no less than 15 highly negative tweets about Cummings, who has been in the House of Representative for 14 years.

The president does not do well with those whom he deems are attacking him. His language is rough, tough and basically off-kilter, certainly not befitting our chief executive. It is likely that Trump’s criticism will get more vehement as we near the 2020 election.

Hopefully the potential Democratic candidates will be able to raise the level of discussion. They may have to ignore Trump’s negativity.

Louis Borgenicht, Salt Lake City

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