
Letter: How can anyone support Donald Trump?

(Carolyn Kaster | AP) President Donald Trump pauses as he speaks in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Friday, July 26, 2019.

I have tried hard to understand, explain, ignore and even defend people I know who support Donald Trump. It is time to come right out and say it. Whoever supports and encourages a dangerous racist, white supremacist, demagogue must be considered of like mind.

Trump has made the vile and corrupt acceptable to a large swath of people in this country who will support him regardless of how often or how blatantly he violates all standards of decency. They should look at themselves in the mirror and ask honestly what they would do if any other person did or said the things Trump does and says.

Would they accept it if say a black, Democratic president, someone like Barack Obama perhaps, acted this way? Would they be fine with him abusing and insulting their wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, etc., the way Trump has done? How does their moral compass allow them to blindly ignore Trump’s actions, lies and constant efforts to divide, rather than unite, the people and whose actions are contrary to everything that this country has stood for since its inception?

As for me, I will no longer defend those who support a person whose uses hate and violence to acquire and keep wealth and power regardless of the damage done to the country I love.

Nick Daskalas, Midvale

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