
Letter: Are we turning into a nation of Trumps?

(Susan Walsh | AP file photo) President Donald Trump, left, speaks as he attends a dinner with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Osaka, Japan, Thursday, June 27, 2019. Trump and Morrison are in Osaka to attend the G20 summit.

My country has become an accomplice both before and after the fact to crimes against humanity.

Children are being forcibly taken from their parents at the Mexican-United States border. That is kidnapping. Those same children are being held until such time as Donald Trump is voted the money for his wall. That is kidnapping for ransom. These children are being held hostage in filthy, cold and overcrowded conditions, with no soap, no medical care and without enough blankets to keep them warm at night, which means that many of these babies are becoming severely sleep deprived. Eight year olds are being forced to take care of infants; it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it and the American people certainly don’t care.

This is torture.

Children have died in these camps and we, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, have decided that their deaths are necessary to preserve that union.

This is murder.

These are concentration camps, and these are the kinds of crimes against helpless, innocent human beings that led to the Nuremberg trials after World War II. Republican leadership actively supports Trump’s vicious schemes, and their Democratic counterparts are too afraid of this evil man to do the right thing. But if we the people do not actively demand his removal from office, immediately, then each of us will have to accept that we have become what he is already.


Michael J. Lombardi, West Jordan

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