
Letter: Abortion rights would be at risk without Roe v. Wade

In a recent Associated Press article written by David Crary and Carla K. Johnson, the authors argued that if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned, the U.S. wouldn’t return to 1973 in regard to women’s rights to abortion.

They made some very strong points in regards to how much safer abortion is now and that there are more options for birth control. But there are some holes in their reporting. The authors argued that home abortions are easier to obtain and that you don’t need to see a medical practitioner to have an abortion. This is correct; however, this relies on anti-abortion activists not knowing about at-home abortions.

If Roe v. Wade were to be overturned, then I have no doubt in my mind that all forms of abortions would be banned; not just abortions done by a certified practitioner.

Audrey Brown, Salt Lake City

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