
Letter: Community Heroes program is a fraud

(Trent Nelson | Tribune file photo) Salt Lake City firefighters on the scene of an incident in 2015. The city donated $100,000 to help firefighters, police, EMTs, nurses and teachers afford a home in Utah's capital.

Salt Lake City has a new Community Heroes program that offers money to a few prospective employees to buy homes. For a family of four, they must make under $64,000 per year.

This program discriminates against other employees who cannot afford homes. Why not stay with the current fair policy of giving subsidies for rental units?

If I were a city employee who gets by with rental help, I would definitely sue the city for discrimination, and maybe even for fraud. It’s as fraudulent as the state policy of giving tax relief to large businesses that will relocate to Utah. This discriminates against small businesses in Utah, and Congress should prohibit this practice nationwide. The above two policies also hurt the taxpayers.

Stephen Clark, Salt Lake City

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