
Letter: Our ability to love should unite us

In this photo supplied by the New Zealand government, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern meets members of the Muslim community following the national remembrance service for the victims of the March 15 mosques terrorist attack in Hagley Park, Christchurch, New Zealand, Friday, March 29, 2019. (Mark Tantrum/New Zealand Government via AP)

In the wake of the recent tragedy in New Zealand, I feel it is my duty to express my love for the Muslim community and those affected by this tragedy. As someone who comes from a country that has experienced so many injustices of a hateful nature, I sympathize with these people and their pain feels close to home.

I am reminded in times like these that it is our duty as humans to express our love for those affected and realize that this extends beyond the lines of religious factions. It is more than just about supporting those of our own religion, or even of those of different religions, it is about supporting our fellow human beings and their right to live freely.

We all may worship different Gods or no god at all but it is our human ability to love that should unite us.

Seth Whiting, Provo

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