
Letter: Finding hope in difficult times

Thank you Pat Bagley for clearly identifying the winners and losers of the 2019 Utah legislative session.

Thank you to The Salt Lake Tribune for pointing out the cowardly way that Gov. Gary Herbert allowed House Bill 220 to become law and Utah to become our nation’s dump for its most dangerous garbage, depleted uranium.

Thank you to the hundreds of young people who left classes March 15 in solidarity with thousands all over the world to protest for our planet’s future.

Thank you to Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel from the Union of Concerned Scientists who came to speak at the Salt Lake Public Library about solutions and hope in fighting the fossil fuel industry working so greedily to destroy our planet.

Thank you to each and every person doing their best to create and maintain a sustainable world in the face of such ignorant and anti-science morons.

I desperately want to feel gratitude and hope for those of us fighting against nature and humanity being blindly herded into oblivion.

Monica Hilding, Salt Lake City

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