
Letter: Rep. Cheryl Acton does not care about women’s health

(Leah Hogsten | Tribune file photo) Rep. Cheryl Acton during floor time on Friday, Feb. 22, 2019.

Rep. Cheryl Acton’s assertion that her punitive legislation, to ban abortion after 18 weeks, is in support of women’s health falls flat, especially in light of her break from her constituency to support SB96, the repeal of the Medicaid expansion initiative.

Clearly, it is best for women to have access to all available information, procedures and support when facing a medical decision.

Despite a complete lack of credibility, Acton presented an arbitrary definition of medical viability intended to erect meaningful barriers for women. Apparently, Acton’s extraordinary ability to arrive at the sole solution to every possible pregnancy situation gives her the confidence to attempt to trample on the individual rights of anyone seeking medical alternatives.

While I would not wish the personal heartbreak of a late-term pregnancy problem, compounded by malicious legislation, on even the most pandering, moralistic, legislative sycophant, I suggest that Acton might gain sorely needed empathy from hearing the stories of those impacted by this type of pejorative message bill.

One would hope that someone so concerned with women and children’s health would choose to direct the money sure to be wasted on yet another unnecessary lawsuit toward legitimate medical programs for both groups.

Unless that is not really the concern.

Keith Roberts, Salt Lake City

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