
Letter: Forest Service workers don’t deserve to be insulted

(Dee Sessions | Courtesy of U.S. Forest Service) Mt. Ogden appears above fall foliage near Trapper Loop Road in the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest.

A Utah legislator reportedly said this regarding Utah’s National Forests, that they are, “a dynamite factory run by chain-smoking chimpanzees.”

This language was from state Rep. Ken Ivory, presumably a community leader. I ask you, Mr. Ivory, is this the kind of language that you want our children to use? Would you use this language in a place of worship? Further, have you personally talked to any of the people that you insulted?

I lived in Big Cottonwood Canyon for many years, and I served on the Big Cottonwood Community Council for several terms. I had many opportunities to interface with Forest Service people. Without exception, they were courteous and helpful to the extent possible.

Their limitations are due in part to not being funded at levels necessary to effectively serve the public. Specifically, the Wasatch-Cache National Forest in reality is a playground for Northern Utah’s urban population. For example, on Labor Day 2016 the vehicle count in Big Cottonwood was over 37,000! Yet the local staffing level is virtually the same as an equivalent area “in the wilds.”

The U.S. Forest Service employees need our thanks and kudos — not ignorant, demeaning and self-serving insults.

David W. Eckhoff, Murray

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