
Letter: Stop making excuses about health care for the already born

(Reed Saxon | The Associated Press) In this March 23, 2017, file photo, hundreds of people march through downtown Los Angeles protesting President Donald Trump's plan to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, his predecessor's signature health care law. Health care proposals are among the first actions for some new Democratic governors and Democratically controlled legislatures. Expanding access to care was a rallying point for the party in the 2018 elections. The early proposals fall short of universal health care but are generally seen as steps that will get states closer to full health coverage for their residents.

In her Feb. 3 commentary, “It’s time to stop making excuses and fight for life,” Danielle Divis makes a passionate and graphic plea of support for Rep. Cheryl Acton’s bill that would ban abortion after 15 weeks of conception.

I hope those sharing Davis’s passion for preserving the lives of the unborn would be equally passionate regarding the guaranteed right for all those innocents to quality, lifetime health care upon exiting the birth canal.

It is a “Christian” and humane obligation to make universal health care for all in this country a reality. Is this too much to ask? Quoting Divis, “It’s time to stop making excuses.”

May Utah be compassionate enough to help make this happen.

Jeff McComas, Holladay

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