
Letter: No new blood from the Democrats?

(Rick Egan | Tribune file photo) Jenny Wilson is sworn in as the new Salt Lake County Mayor by Salt Lake County Clerk, Sherrie Swensen, Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019.

Was it preordained by the Democratic Party to offer Jenny Wilson and Shireen Ghorbani a shot at the county mayor’s seat when they lost their respective races in November? Was it a “safety net” to ease the embarrassment of facing the Republican juggernaut?

I was disappointed that a career politician was elected, rather than a “breath of fresh air.” After all, it was a Democratic show, with no fear of running against a Republican, so they could have used this as an opportunity to showcase more up-and-coming Democrats.

My voter ID card lists me as “unaffiliated,” but I do lean more to the Democratic side currently. I live in downtown Salt Lake City and appreciate the cultural and political differences between the city and the rest of the state, and was hoping for something, or someone, new.

Corey Hansen, Salt Lake City

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