
Letter: I voted to love my neighbor

(Francisco Kjolseth | Tribune file photo) More than 300 demonstrators fill the Capitol rotunda on Monday, Jan, 28, 2019, on the first day of the Legislative session to rally in support of protecting Proposition 3, the Medicaid Expansion law recently passed by voters.

On Jan. 28, I attended the Rally Against Repeal at the Utah Capitol. Strong voices spoke out in favor of Proposition 3. Utah decided to expand Medicaid, and the Legislature needs to respect our votes.

Let’s be clear: Although I know people who would benefit from affordable health care through Medicaid, my family and I have no skin in this game. We are fortunate to have health insurance.

But, yes, I voted to increase my sales tax to provide this essential service. I voted to ease suffering and to save lives. I voted to love my neighbor.

Mary Jo Hinsdale, Salt Lake City

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