
Letter: Bill allowing gun silencers will make life more dangerous

(Leah Hogsten | Tribune file photo) SilencerCo's public relations specialist Matt Pinnell resolves a SilencerCo Saker ASR silencer back on a rack of silencers in the company's gun safe. SilencerCo is one of the country's largest manufacturers of silencer for guns of all kinds, Friday, May 28, 2017.

I’m not sure what cave Sen. Mike Lee escaped from, but I am appalled at the lack of intellectual and moral development that would produce his latest bill.

Lee introduced legislation to promote gun silencers to “protect the hearing of the shooters.”

Really? Yes, he really did. Protecting the hearing of shooters rather than providing warning for the safety of law enforcement and innocent victims of gun violence, Lee’s bill will make it easier to cause deadly harm.

Honestly, Sen. Lee, I thought you were elected to improve lives, not to make it easier to destroy them.

A. Don Kimball, St. George

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