
Letter: Romney only giving 47 percent

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) U.S. Senator Mitt Romney visits some of the overflow rooms where people expressed their anger over the federal shutdown after holding a town hall meeting at the Davis County administration building, Tuesday, January 22, 2019, to hear from local residents.

You would think an incoming junior senator would know that his house has a role to play in returning 800,000 workers to their jobs and reopening the government. It apparently did before Mitt Romney joined the Senate.

The Senate was willing to take a near-unanimous bill before the president that would have ended this crisis. But now, it has no role to play?

Mitt says this is between Nancy Pelosi and the president. What about Mitch McConnell, the leader of Mitt's house? Is McConnell so afraid of Trump and of being primaried next year that he is hiding in an undisclosed location?

Mitt, is this the kind of leadership you plan to exercise? C'mon, Mitt, you can do better. I think you're only giving it about 47 percent.

Marc Hoenig, Salt Lake City

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