
Letter: Most successful two years indeed!

(Rick Bowmer | The Associated Press) This Jan. 23, 2013, file photo, shows a poor air quality warning is posted over a highway, in Salt Lake City. Inversions hover over Salt Lake City as cold, stagnant air settles in the bowl-shaped mountain basins, trapping tailpipe and other emissions that have no way of escaping to create a brown, murky haze the engulfs the metro area. Doctors warn that breathing the polluted air can cause lung problems and other health concerns, especially for pregnant women and people with respiratory issues.

President Donald Trump claims he’s had “the most successful first two years” of any president. When it comes to eliminating environmental regulations, he may be tragically correct. With help from congressional Republicans, Trump has rolled back environmental regulations and continues to do so.

He has indeed been very successful, as the total number of rollbacks may reach 78! According to an analysis by Harvard researchers, the rollbacks could lead to “80,000 extra deaths per decade and cause respiratory problems for more than 1 million people.” A sad and preventable legacy for the American people!

Fares Arguello, Salt Lake City

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