
Letter: INN Between helps the homeless

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) When The INN Between, a Salt Lake City homeless hospice for those with terminal illnesses, moved into this small neighborhood on Salt Lake City’s east side in May, residents worried it would operate as a de facto homeless shelter and bring increased crime. Six months later, they say their worst fears have come true. Friday Nov. 16, 2018.

As a resident of Sugar House, I am proud to have a place like the INN Between in my community. I have visited the center and plan to volunteer there. To provide a hospice center for the most vulnerable population among is a worthy and humane program.

According to the Huffington Post, almost 20 percent of the current homeless population are veterans and there is simply not enough affordable housing and affordable medical and mental health services. Ninety percent of homeless women are victims of severe physical or sexual abuse.

Our federal government could focus $5 billion on helping these citizens instead of shutting down the government and trying to build a wall. My east-side neighborhood is a lovely place that welcomes diversity and has a big heart.

Beverly Ashby, Salt Lake City

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