
Letter: Replace Salt Lake City blight with high-density housing

Leah Hogsten | The Salt Lake Tribune High occupancy housing under construction at 3rd West and North Temple, July 18, 2018. Utah leads the nation in job growth by percentage over the last 12 months in construction, which saw a 6.2 increase in the number of jobs.

The goal of affordable housing is worthy. However, in a story published Nov. 23 (“Salt Lake Chamber pushes ahead with affordable housing blitz, but some cities are still hesitant”),

The Salt Lake Tribune again shows bias and lack of knowledge about growth issues along the Wasatch Front.

Cities and citizens who choose not to embrace the Salt Lake Chamber policy statement are labeled as an “angry constituency” or “balking,” which is not honest or accurate.

Noticeably absent from the story was Salt Lake City’s response to the policy statement. The Salt Lake Chamber, which represents employers, should promote policy to provide housing near areas where the majority of people work, which is still Salt Lake City. While the suburbs struggle with exponential growth, including significant high-density projects, Salt Lake City continues to have areas of blight or underdeveloped areas near job clusters, public transit and existing infrastructure.

A recent trip to Denver demonstrated how a capital city should provide leadership and solutions, with extensive high-density housing along light rail lines near downtown.

The Salt Lake County Council’s recent approval of the massive Olympia Hills development (vetoed by Mayor Ben McAdams) also demonstrates poor planning and disregard for surrounding communities, to put 33,000 people in the most remote section of Salt Lake County without roads, schools and jobs.

Housing near jobs — logical!

Troy Rushton, Riverton

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