
Letter: Switching to renewable sources is a win-win for PacifCorp and its customers

(Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) PacifiCorp Carbon Power Plant in Helper Tuesday November 22, 2016.

PacifiCorp operates two aging and increasingly expensive coal-burning power plants in Utah and passes the increased costs on to its customers. The air pollution the plants emit is shared by all of us. It would be in the best interest for this company to switch to substantially cost-saving alternative energies such as solar and wind.

The utility’s massive portfolio of coal-fired generation poses a significant financial risk to its customers. With solar or wind replacement, the potential savings is potentially more than $2.8 million, according to a study conducted by Energy Strategies, an independent consulting firm. Coal units are increasingly uneconomic compared with clean energy options like solar and wind, which are cheaper, safer and the right choice for our environment and our health.

It makes perfect sense to switch to renewable sources. It would be a win for PacifiCorp and the millions of customers they serve.

Candice Sandness, Taylorsville

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