
Letter: The shameful Republican strategy of crying ‘voter fraud’

I deplore the current GOP strategy of accusing any opponent who threatens to win (Rick Scott, Brian Kemp) or even wins the popular vote but not the election (POTUS) … of voter fraud.

We can label these charges propaganda, because there is not a scintilla of evidence that voter fraud, in the sense the Republicans use it, has had any effect whatsoever in any major U.S. election in this century. This is the worst kind of propaganda: first, because it undermines public trust in fair elections, which are the very foundation of our Republic; and second, because it models poor sportsmanship and reprehensible behavior for our children.

If there is not public and repeated condemnation of this strategy from Utah’s GOP leadership, we can justifiably conclude that “silence means consent” and that they approve of any means that will gain power for their party, regardless of the cost to our nation and our values. And that would be shameful indeed.

June S. Taylor, Salt Lake City

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