
Letter: A vote for Ben McAdams is truly a vote for bipartisanship in Utah

(Scott G Winterton | Deseret News, pool photo) Salt Lake County mayor Ben McAdams answers a question as he and Congresswoman Mia Love take part in a debate at the Gail Miller Conference Center at Salt Lake Community College in Sandy as the two battle for Utah's 4th Congressional District on Monday, Oct. 15, 2018.

What a disappointment to read The Tribune's endorsement of an ineffectual incumbent Republican member of Congress over a clearly effective and engaging Democratic challenger, Ben McAdams. Hard to understand how the Trib editors fail to see the value in supporting a Democratic addition to our congressional delegation. One-party rule is not good for Utah and it is not good for the country.

In the first close congressional contest in many years, Utah has the chance to send a candidate who represents those of us who are frankly appalled by this administration and a do-nothing Congress that acts as a rubber stamp for all of the Trump agenda.

Ben McAdams is an excellent county mayor. It is time to share his talent with a country that is in desperate need of it. A vote for Ben McAdams is truly a vote for bipartisanship in Utah and in the nation.

Jill Sheinberg, Park City

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