
Letter: Rock Cliff is a sadly neglected gem in a state park

Regarding the comment by Utah state Rep. Mike Noel's comment, "We do as good of a job, if not better, on our state parks," he is referring to taking part of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and making it a state park.

I would invite him and the voters to visit the Rock Cliff side of Jordanelle State Park. The boardwalks are in deteriorating condition. The nature center and most of the campsites have been closed for several years. A bridge was washed out, there are fallen trees across it and there has been no effort to repair it.

There are no education programs going on, no school field trips to Rock Cliff, no nature programs, no guided hikes, no guided snowshoe hikes, no star shows, no volunteer opportunities to help with these programs.

Rock Cliff is a wonderful asset to the east end of Jordanelle State Park as well as a huge investment just sitting because of no funding to staff it. Why? It is all about revenue, not education or enjoyment for the people.

Louise Brown, Kamas

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