
Letter: Mia Love holds her constituents in contempt

(Scott G Winterton | Deseret News, pool photo) Congresswoman Mia Love and Salt Lake County mayor Ben McAdams take part in a debate at the Gail Miller Conference Center at Salt Lake Community College in Sandy as the two battle for Utah's 4th Congressional District on Monday, Oct. 15, 2018.

At the 4th Congressional District debate between Rep. Mia Love and Mayor Ben McAdams, McAdams correctly took Love to task about her lack of availability to constituents, noting that Love has gone her entire term without holding a single public town hall.

Love’s audacious reply, claiming to have held 85 town halls over the past year, is nothing more than a flat, outright lie. She has done nothing of the sort.

She counts private business events as town halls, but I do not. She even counts small, private gatherings at the home of Councilwoman Aimee Winder Newton as “town halls,” but I do not.

Love’s lies about her constituent availability show how she holds her constituents in contempt. She does not care to interact with the people she claims to represent, unless, of course, you are a hand-picked supporter with an invitation.

McAdams, on the other hand, takes to heart the views of his constituents and hosts frequent public town halls to invite discussion.

Utahns deserve someone to represent us, rather than hide behind closed doors. We deserve someone unafraid of standing face-to-face with constituents to explain their views. We deserve Ben McAdams as our congressman.

Tyrell Aagard, Murray

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