
Letter: Where have honesty and integrity gone?

As I have listened to KUER and read The Salt Lake Tribune the past two weeks, it reminded me what a disturbing and dysfunctional world and American culture we currently live in.

It isn’t about learning what is “true” or how I can better serve my fellow men/women in my life. It is about having to be “right,” no matter what the price and no matter how dishonest I must be in order to obtain that. We live in a disgusting time when the only thing that matters is for me to “win” and to make sure that you “lose,” no matter what the context is.

Where have honesty and integrity gone? What has happened to man’s desire to live with honor and moral values? Sadly, it doesn’t seem to matter which side of the fence we are on — we must win and you must lose. Even in our religious culture it doesn’t matter because “I am right,” so you must be wrong. After all, I am part of “the only true and living church on the face of the Earth,” so, of course, you are wrong.

What would it take for all of us to “love our neighbor as ourselves” and to respect our differences so we could develop ways to live together with integrity and respect?

Robert B. Johnson, Salt Lake City

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