
Letter: Civil forfeiture deserves the criticism it gets

The Sept. 30 commentary by John W. Huber, U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah, was headlined "Civil forfeiture: Useful tool for fighting crime."

But Huber failed to mention large numbers of innocent citizens who are victimized by a law that allows police to stop a driver and seize cash, or even the vehicle they are driving, though the owner has not committed a crime.

Search “civil asset forfeiture abuses” on Google. It's shocking how often police stop innocent drivers and pocket cash or seize the vehicle. These victims may never even be charged with anything.

Utah is not immune. Just this past August, the Utah Supreme Court sided with Kyle

Savely, who was carrying $500,000 in cash when he was stopped by Utah Highway Patrol in 2016. UHP found the money and grabbed it. Savely was never accused of anything. He sued to get his cash returned, and the court ruling means he may be one of the few victims of civil asset forfeiture who get their money back.

Huber's claim of “unwarranted” criticism is wrong.

Wina Sturgeon, Taylorsville

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