
Letter: We need to hear from Romney on Kavanaugh

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) William and Patricia Cullen greet candidate Mitt Romney as he canvasses in Murray, Thursday, Sept. 20, 2018.

“Now imagine your children and you grandchildren acting the way he does. Will you welcome that? Haven’t we seen before what happens when people in prominent positions fail the basic responsibility of honorable conduct? We have, and it always injures our families and our country.”

These are the words of likely soon-to-be-Sen. Mitt Romney, in reference to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Oh, pardon me, they are about Donald Trump, spoken in 2016 at the University of Utah. It seems as though Romney hasn’t said much of anything about Brett Kavanaugh. There was one tweet in which he concurred with South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham’s statement regarding the flippant manner in which the Kavanaugh accusations were made; otherwise, nothing.

We’re all focused on Sen. Orrin Hatch’s disregard for Christine Blasey Ford, but we’re wasting our time. Hatch is on his way out. We should be looking toward the future and what our new representatives think, especially on the eve of election.

Mitt Romney is nearly 20 years Brett Kavanaugh’s senior. Kavanaugh will potentially be a member of government long after Romney is gone. Utahns deserve to know the principles of a candidate who wishes to represent our state.

Judd Tingey, Midvale

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