
Letter: How has Trump fooled Romney and so many others?

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Mitt Romney speaks in Orem after winning the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, Tuesday June 26, 2018.

I find it appalling that our Utah representatives have all remained relatively quiet as of late regarding President Donald Trump and all of his escapades. Whatever happened to the Utah values they always seem to talk about?

It must be that the current economy is doing well so it does not matter about morals, lying, cheating and destroying safeguards of our environment!

Put an extra dollar or two in a few people’s pocket, but don't worry about the health of all people. A pretty sad commentary of our Utah representatives.

Mitt Romney gave an excellent review of Donald Trump before the 2016 election. Most everything he said is true and has been proven out in the past couple of years. But where is Mitt now? Silent. Shame on you, Mitt. You do something good and then back off.

I am amazed at how many people Trump has fooled. His supporters seem to be blinded to the truths about Trump.

And no, I am not a supporter of Hillary Clinton. She is just by far the lesser of two evils.

Robert Anderson, Sandy

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