
Letter: What would we be getting with a vote for Romney?

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Mitt Romney speaks in Orem after winning the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, Tuesday June 26, 2018. Ann Romney at right.

I met Mitt Romney in 2002 while volunteering at the Medals Plaza for the Salt Lake City Winter Games. “Charismatic” is all I’ll say here, and the Games were declared a success under his watch.

As we approach the midterm elections, I am bewildered that many Utahns only see the Romney who led those Games, or the Romney who attends their church. We must not forget that Romney dined with 45 (Trump) while seeking the secretary of state position, after calling 45 a fake, a phony, a con man, dangerous. He was speaking honestly, stating the truth.

This isn’t about the oligarch residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It’s far more local. Romney and his flip-flopping history are well recorded.

Voting should matter. To Romney it didn’t. In the election that ushered in this era of political and personal deflection, deception, payoffs, sinister business dealings (all well documented and committed by 45), Romney voted for the one person he viewed as having more political savvy and leadership skills than any other person within that pool of candidates: his wife.

I’m curious as to the legions who rushed the polls to cast one for Ann. I’m certain I didn’t.

Roger Knox, Holladay