
Letter: Utah politicians must stop Trump’s march to dictatorship

(Jim Mone | The Associated Press) U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally, Wednesday, June 20, 2018, in Duluth, Minn.

An open letter to all Utah candidates seeking national office:

Donald Trump, with the collusion of the Utah congressional delegation, is now asking the Pentagon to house 20,000 minor children and their families on military bases. This is for the sole purpose of evading the powers of the states to monitor the care of children in the custody of their governments.

On military bases, he can avoid state oversight. In addition, he is asking the Department of Defense to send hundreds of JAG lawyers (military lawyers) to the border to prosecute the asylum seekers, thus avoiding and overriding our civil court system.

Concentration camps, military control, refusal to allow elected leaders to visit the sites, the secret moving of young girls in the middle of the night to secret sites. What is happening to them? What is happening to us?

We are witnessing and being silently compliant in the collapse of our constitutional democracy into a dictatorship. You who seek to be elected, give us a specific plan to stop the march to dictatorship. You have much to answer for, and so do we the people. We can no longer be silent and passive. We must get involved to save ourselves.

Anita Bradford, Spanish Fork