
Letter: Choir of congressional eunuchs is silent amid chaos

(Gregory Bull | The Associated Press) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., at podium, speaks in front of members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus during a visit to the border Monday, June 18, 2018, in San Diego. The members of congress spoke about their visit to area immigration detention facilities.

The choir of eunuchs, aka the House and the Senate, are putting on a display the likes of which I never hope to see again.

What a disgraceful, inhumane unbelievable situation. What an abject filthy policy that targets innocent children whose little souls will forever be traumatized. Now we have “tender age care centers.”

All this chaos only serves one purpose: It creates another distraction from Trump’s criminal activities. Welcome to the new America. We have a 2-year-old on steroids sitting in the White House.

Micki Moulton, Taylorsville