
Letter: Support climate-conscious students on ‘Congressional Call-in Day‘

I salute the ambitious, respectful, persistent students who conceived of — then tirelessly worked to gain — support for the Utah climate resolution, HCR07 (“Guv signs teens’ climate change impact resolution,” The Tribune, May 21).

Many of these enlightened, civic-minded students are headed to Washington, D.C., to take their advocacy of “sound science” and “Economic and Environmental Stewardship” to our members of Congress. On June 12, 18 Utah students will join over 1,000 volunteer members of the nonpartisan Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) to lobby for climate solutions. They will seek a carbon fee and divided policy that will stimulate innovation and a market-driven transition to clean energy.

CCL has designated June 6 as “Congressional Call-in Day.” I encourage you to help the students by calling your U.S. Sens. Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee and Reps. Rob Bishop, Chris Stewart, John Curtis or Mia Love. Tell them why you support congressional action on climate change. These students have earned our admiration and deserve our support.

David Folland, Sandy