
Letter: How about letting your subscribers rank the writers we enjoy the best?

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Paul Huntsman, owner of The Salt Lake Tribune, addresses staff members, Tuesday May 8, 2018.

I am disappointed in Paul Rolly being released from the paper. He was always a writer to take difficult people and situations to task.

He is also one who has taken on those radicals in San Juan County. These are people who break the law by riding four-wheelers through Recapture Canyon. They are led by County Commissioner Phil Lyman — who is now running for the Legislature. If that isn’t a joke.

Most readers don’t want to read a story more than one or two columns long. We want more articles summarized with catchy headlines.

If we wanted to read something in more detail, we would read it in a book or magazine.

How about letting your subscribers rank the writers we enjoy the best?

Joye Ray, Salt Lake City