
Letter: Our representatives don’t care what we think — it’s not in their power manual

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Senator Mike Lee embraces Orrin Hatch as the Utah Republican delegation meets over breakfast in Akron, OH, Monday July 18, 2016.

Dear Scott Dalgarno: I loved your commentary chastising Christians (or anyone human) for not flooding our representatives with calls concerning the heartless separation of immigrant children from their parents at the border.

I have some bad news. No one is calling because none of our representatives cares what we think or feel. Our “representatives” represent whomever or whatever gives them enough money to keep them in power, and that is rarely anyone who represents the poor. No one is going to be “taken care of” except our representatives if they toe the power line. As soon as they diverge from the power manual, our representatives will be “taken care of — thrown under the bus ... or whatever.”

Until we can find and vote into office enough representatives and a president who care more for the “least of these” than for themselves, nothing will ever be “fair enough.”

Beverly Terry, Salt Lake City