
Letter: What else is going missing?

(Scott Sommerdorf | The Salt Lake Tribune) Taylor Morgan of Count My Vote spoke at the Count My Vote public hearing at the Whitmore Library in Cottonwood Heights, Friday, Oct. 27, 2017. The Count My Vote ballot initiative seeks to select party nominees through a direct primary, in addition to the traditional caucus-convention system.

Reading how a box of 150 petition packets to the Count My Vote initiative have been found uncounted in Utah County and a box of 50 went AWOL in Washington and Iron counties makes me question how this could happen! Is it that these county officials can’t do their job, or are they on purpose making the petitions “disappear”?

This makes me suspicious about the other initiatives that people have signed. Are we going to hear that county officials are on purpose making these petition packets “disappear”? If so, the Utah attorney general should bring criminal charges against them.

Everyday people like you and me have worked long hours to get these signatures on these petitions. To have them go missing is criminal!

Richard Aragon, Provo