
Letter: It’s hard to buy The Tribune if one can’t get a copy

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Paul Huntsman, owner of The Salt Lake Tribune, addresses staff members, Tuesday, May 8, 2018.

Re: The May 9 article about Paul Huntsman’s ordered layoffs, reduction of print pages and content changes in light of continued financial difficulties.

I live in South Farmington, and on any given morning I will go searching for The Tribune at Harmons at Farmington Station, the Chevron Corner store in downtown Farmington or Dick’s Market in Centerville.

Almost always by 9 a.m. the papers are sold out. On some Monday mornings The Tribune has not been delivered at all. The clerks at Dick’s say they only get two a day and that they could sell many more. At the Corner Market (if I get there very early) maybe there are three papers. Always a bunch more Deseret News papers in the next bins.

Mr. Huntsman, people cannot buy your product if there is nothing to buy. Perhaps a harder look into your circulation department should be forthcoming.

I personally quit my daily subscription of 48 years after the paper downsized then raised the price overnight by 38 percent and my delivery went from early in the morning to sometimes, usually before noon.

D. Randy Fisher, Farmington