
Letter: My experience as a Scout was ridden with ‘Lord of the Flies’ moments

(Rick Bowmer | The Associated Press) In this July 22, 2013, file photo, Andrew Garrison, 11, of Salt Lake City, looks over the Rockwell exhibition at the Mormon Church History Museum in Salt Lake City, Utah. Twenty-three original, Boy Scout-themed Norman Rockwell paintings were on display in Salt Lake City to celebrate the 100-year relationship between Scouting and the Mormon church. An announcement Tuesday night, May 8, 2018, by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Boy Scouts will mark an end to close relationship that lasted more than a century built on their shared values. The religion will move its remaining boys into its own scouting-type program.

Interesting news, the Scouts and the LDS Church parting ways. And interesting op-ed by Stephen Stromberg. I am glad his Scouting experience was positive.

I was a Scout in a Protestant church-based troop; I rose to the rank of patrol leader. I did not learn hard work and self-reliance.

Scouting fed my life-long connection to nature; I had some good times. I learned to swim, learned the value and joy of creating consensus within our patrol, and learned knot-tying, semaphore and Morse code.

But what really stuck for me from Scouting, lifelong, what I really learned, was the sadder side of human nature — a full “Lord of the Flies” experience — bullying and tormenting and proto-fascists in the making. I witnessed little cheats, liars and frauds, cruelty and shame. And more recently, BSA leadership has seemed out of touch with the changes in the world; out of touch, for instance, with many youth and leaders who are gay.

Change is happening, though, to the BSA and I hope it’s positive for all of today’s kids. Change is happening for some churches, too. But the BSA may arrive to the future faster, to the betterment of youth and society, if they go it alone.

Nick Burns, Park City