
Letter: It’s cars vs. bikes in Salt Lake City — and cars should win

(Leah Hogsten | The Salt Lake Tribune) Crossing guard Manuel Hernandez works the east side of State Street and Harvard Avenue on Thursday, April 26, 2018. Hernandez said he's come close to getting hit by drivers hurrying to pass him and that he sees the middle finger a lot. Salt Lake City wants to find a way to reduce the number of auto-pedestrian accidents on State Street.

I think the future of State Street is going to bring the cars vs. bikes issue to a head. I hope the cars win.

People who can use a bike to commute should be safe doing so, but most people can’t replace cars with bikes, and people who need to shop and bring things home can’t do it on a bike. People coming downtown from Sandy or Provo certainly can’t ride all that way.

I see that Dave Iltis, a capo in the bike mafia, thinks it’s unreasonable to expect riders to use side streets. Why, exactly, is it unreasonable? I think it’s a great solution to improve overall traffic flow by keeping bikes out of traffic lanes, and keeping sidewalks safe for pedestrians.

John Pace, Salt Lake City