
Letter: Thanks, Legislature, for protecting us from unsafe cars

(Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) One of the cars involved in an accident in which one car plunged into a canal in Murray, leaving two people in serious condition, Friday, Oct. 4, 2013. The four-car accident happened about 4:30 p.m. near 4200 S. State St., according to Unified Police spokesman Ken Hansen.

As I was driving to work Friday, I noticed the car to my right had a fender ready to fall off, a shaking wheel and a car hood that was partially latched from front-end damage. Last Tuesday on the freeway, I saw a rollover and three cars that had slid off from wet roads.

Shortly after, I pulled into a convenience store and noticed the car next to me had zero tread on its tires. As I walked down the row of cars, I noticed three other cars with bald tires.

I want to thank you wise leaders of the Legislature for ending car safety inspections and passing the .05 law. Your wisdom in caring for the safety of drivers makes us proud.

Jeff Losser, Sandy