
Letter: Let’s get assault weapons off the streets

(Charles Krupa | The Associated Press) In this April 10, 2013 file photo, craftsman Veetek Witkowski holds a newly assembled AR-15 rifle at the Stag Arms company in New Britain, Conn. A ruling released Friday, April 6, 2018, by a federal judge in Boston, dismissed a lawsuit challenging Massachusetts' ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, stating that assault weapons are beyond the scope of the Second Amendment right to "bear arms."

As to the discussion regarding whether police should have assault rifles: Remember the 1997 “North Hollywood Shootout” where L.A. law enforcement was badly outgunned in a horrific example of police being caught with inadequate firepower?

I really like firearms and hunting but have no practical need for an assault rifle; I also realize that they will always be available for a price even if somehow sensible legislation is passed to restrict their purchase and ownership.

Let’s get them off the streets and hope the police have them if and when any group or individual needs protection from those who selfishly put others in harm’s way.

Robert Hanford, West Jordan