
Letter: The NRA is the real enemy of every citizen

(Chris Detrick | The Salt Lake Tribune) Participants march from West High School to the state Capitol during the March for Our Lives SLC Saturday, March 24, 2018. The student-led March for Our Lives SLC got underway about 11:30 a.m. with what police estimated were 8,000 participants walking from Salt Lake City’s West High School to the front steps of the state Capitol.

As late as the 1930s the Ku Klux Klan was still hanging blacks publicly. Following the Second World War, neo-Nazis and white supremacists joined with the KKK in promoting bigotry, yet none achieved general public acceptance.

Although unworthy, the NRA has found marginal public acceptance despite its complicity in the gun deaths of 750,000 in the last 25 years by promoting gun sales and fighting gun restrictions that could save lives.

The NRA, more than the KKK and all the other hate groups combined, is the real enemy of every citizen.

And high school gun-control advocates concur. While still young they had to endure frightening lock-down drills without understanding why. Now they refuse to accept a life-threatening environment. These exemplary young people demand intelligent, effective gun laws and every responsible individual, organization and church should stand behind them.

It’s self-evident why drug and alcohol addicts are never included in making drug or alcohol laws. And gun addicts should never help make gun laws. A pro-gun lobbyist like Clark Aposhian (owns 300 guns) should never be chairman of a commission studying school safety measures. Intelligent gun regulations won’t even be considered. This violates entirely what the students want to accomplish.

Ron Molen, Salt Lake City