
Letter: Bye bye, KUTV — Sinclair’s offensive attempt to ‘educate‘ me has failed

(Courtesy Deadspin) This screenshot of Deadspin's video showing dozens of anchors at Sinclair Broadcast Group stations across the country features KUTV's Shauna Lake and and Mark Koelbel (second column from right, third box down).

I have gradually been changing my local news watching habit from KSL to KUTV, as many Utahns apparently have in recent years. But then word comes of the KUTV owners (Sinclair group) requiring their news anchors to parrot on the air Sinclair’s warning about “fake, biased news reporting … in an attempt to control what people think.”

For the Sinclair group, of all groups, to “champion” fair, truthful and unbiased news is a laugh. I’m offended by the blatant, juvenile attempt to “educate” me. KTVX (Channel 4), here I come!

Thor Nilsen, Sandy