
Letter: Public humiliation and punishment for dissent are becoming the norm

Historically, our nation has struggled and fought to counter oppressive autocratic regimes. Why then, do we watch without concern, in our own country, an authority figure successfully silence any dissenting voice, use its power to target, and undermine powerless citizens? It is hard to believe but public humiliation and punishment for dissent is becoming the norm.

It is ironical that those of us, who truly value our individual freedoms the most, have largely facilitated this trend away from them. A trend that could easily be disastrous to our way of life. A trend that could be worse than any foreign threat. Why is this happening? Maybe we Americans have become naïve. Naïve enough to believe hyperbolic words and overlook facts. Naïve enough to be content with short-term victory even when our liberties are being threatened. Naïve enough to overlook that loyalty to the country, not to any person, is what matters.

We need to smarten up. We need to stop being afraid of letting our minds explore uncomfortable opinions and views. We need to do this for our freedoms and for ourselves.”

Adhish Agarwal, M.D., Salt Lake City