
Letter: Owners of firearms should learn the laws and not spread misinformation

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Utah gun owner Brianna Seymour, 36, says she owns an AR-15 because it's easy to customize and "fun to shoot," while honing her skills through target practice. Seymour says she's never even shot an animal and welcomes background checks and a 21 and over policy.

I enjoyed your Feb. 27 article on AR-15s. It was refreshing that you asked Utah citizens to comment on this issue instead of your usual comments from other parts of the country (from New York, Washington, D.C., Jennifer Rubin, etc.). It confirms what I thought. A lot of people in this country own guns, and most are level-headed on the Second Amendment and the use of firearms.

However, there is one thing I take issue with. The woman pictured on your front page, Brianna Seymour, states in her comment that, “you can convert them (AR-15s) into fully auto.” Well, I guess you could if you wanted to become a felon and spend substantial time in a federal prison.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives takes gun laws very seriously. It is definitely illegal to convert any gun into a fully automatic weapon. People who own firearms should learn the laws pertaining to firearms, or at least not spread misinformation through ignorance. The writer of the article, Sara Weber, might want to do a little more research on the subject.

Jeff Wickman, Eagle Mountain