
Letter: So, is Hatch a ‘stupid dumb-ass’ for supporting 1993 health bill?

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Members of the Utah Senate praise U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch, relaying their own personal stories with him from his 42 years in office, as Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018, is declared "Orrin G. Hatch Day." Hatch is the longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history.

Orrin Hatch was elected to the U.S. Senate by the people of Utah in 1976. Since that time he has been the primary sponsor of approximately 174 bills, of those bills enacted, most had to with taxation, crime/law enforcement and, recently, screwing up our public lands and national monuments.

He did, however co-sponsor and support the “Health equity and access reform today act of 1993,” this is the bill that President Obama drew from to craft much of the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA).

Hatch is now saying that those who supported the ACA are among the “stupidest dumb-ass people” he has ever come across.

Does that mean Hatch is a stupid dumb-ass for supporting the 1993 bill? And what about the Republican voters who kept him in office for over 40 years?

Maybe for once the man was right.

He thinks Donald Trump may be the greatest president ever. May this and so many other ridiculous statements this man has made go down as a testament to his judgment and character.

Richard Edwards, Provo