
Letter: Operation Rio Grande merits a name change: Dispersement Rio Grande

(Al Hartmann | The Salt Lake Tribune) A group of men pass the time outside the Road Home shelter on 400 West and 250 South in Salt Lake City on Monday, Feb. 26 2018.

The City of Salt Lake praises its Operation Rio Grande as a huge success. But I’m not convinced that it’s been as successful as the city claims. Six months after Operation Rio Grande, the number of complaints in the Rio Grande area may have decreased. But the number of complaints in the surrounding areas appears to have increased dramatically.

I read and follow the neighbors’ posts on Nextdoor.com (neighborhoods’ social network site). Since last summer, the number of posts regarding criminal activity in the neighborhoods east of the Rio Grande area has risen significantly. This makes me question the overall effectiveness of the “operation.”

Perhaps a better name for Operation Rio Grande would be Dispersement Rio Grande. Won’t it be interesting to see what the developers have planned for the Rio Grande area?

Peggy Clark, Salt Lake City