
Letter: Now that he’s been anointed senator, I’m awaiting an all-Mitt issue of The Tribune

(Scott Sommerdorf | The Salt Lake Tribune) Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks from the bed of his pickup truck at a rally for campaign workers gathering signatures in Orem, Saturday, Feb. 17, 2018. His granddaughter Allie is at right.

This is the first election in my memory that a senatorial candidate has been anointed into office, rather than elected. It’s exciting to see the democratic process get a good shaking up, by being shot in the head by its protectors.

What a relief to not get caught up in the smelliness of an actual campaign! Why are Jenny Wilson, Mitchell Vice and Craig Bowden even bothering?

Even The Tribune is in on the fun, with a front-page article on the difficulties Mitt may have as a freshman senator.

Will the other candidates have the same problems? Who cares?

And thanks, Tribune, for following up, the next day, with another two front-page articles on Mitt. As Donald Trump can attest, the candidate who gets all the press has a really good chance. And since everybody in the state wants all Mitt, all the time, you’re doing a public service.

I’d say I can’t wait to see an all-Mitt issue, but I’ll just wait until tomorrow and hope for the best.

Jim Hayes, Salt Lake City