
Letter: A city on Utah Lake? May that never get off the ground

Count me as an opponent to Todd Parker’s idea to build a city on Utah Lake. Forget about technical feasibility — the real question is, why on earth would the community want such a thing? Other than the real estate developers, would the residents in Utah Valley rather look upon a lake, troubled as it may be, or more buildings and concrete?

Like most communities, Utah is courting growth, yet our atmosphere is already overburdened with more air pollution than it can handle. Growth will happen, but smart growth is the key.

I applaud Parker for wanting to clean up the lake. But not so people can live upon it. I submit that his “good old days” of enjoying Lincoln Beach wouldn’t have been so had they been in the shadow of buildings with cars rushing by on a causeway. If we try to jam as many people in the Wasatch Front as we can, we will regret it. Let’s let the land mass and the atmosphere — and good sense — be the constraints and not open up the lakes as well to development potential. Is the Great Salt Lake next?

Gary Reimer, Salt Lake City