
Letter: Braggadocio for all to see

(Alex Brandon | AP Photo) President Donald Trump is saluted as he steps off Air Force One, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, in Indianapolis.

President Trump’s speech before the UN was both shocking and frightening. His strident tone and stilted hand gestures have always been annoying but it was the content of his remarks that was embarrassing and once again astounding.

Trump declared that several countries were “going to hell.”

He said that Kim Jong Un, whom he calls Rocket Man, is “on a suicide mission.”And he finally assured the General Assembly that the U.S. could “totally destroy North Korea.”

Trump’s rhetoric was predictable but his braggadocio was stunning for a worldwide audience. Once again the world got to see the reality we have come to live with and wonder what the future holds. It seems dangerously uncertain.

Louis Borgenicht

Salt Lake City