
Tribune seeking election year dream headlines

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Signs direct people arriving to vote at Trolley Square in Salt Lake City during primary Election Day on Tuesday, June 28, 2022.

In case you hadn’t noticed, there is an election coming up.

It not being a year in which we elect a president, the election of 2022 might not draw as much interest as some. But all elections are important and, if nothing else, the race in Utah between incumbent Republican Sen. Mike Lee and independent challenger Evan McMullin is adding spice — and a lot of TV ads — to the campaign.

To help The Salt Lake Tribune Opinion Section take the pulse of the electorate, we are inviting you to submit some dream headlines that you would like to see in 2022, either about the campaign, the election process, the results, or democracy in general. They can be serious or silly, inspired by fear or hope, technical or philosophical. And we’d prefer they take on subjects other than “So and So elected in landslide.”

To get you started, some examples:

• Utah voter turn-out sets record.

• Utah Supreme Court invalidates Legislature’s gerrymandering.

• Pie fight breaks out at candidates’ debate.

• Voting age lowered to 12.

• Pregnant women get to vote twice.

Let us hear from you.